The Durable Properties of 5-Wire Resistive Touch Screens

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3 min readJan 3, 2023


Touch screens do not last forever; however, some of them can be used longer through their abilities to sustain scratches or other damages that are likely to impede operations. As such, there are 5-wire resistive touch screens known for superior durability. 5-Wire resistive touch screens are one of the variants of resistive touch screen sensors, featuring electrodes on the bottom layer. They are considered a good choice for applications used at the workplace or other commercial setups.

In general, resistive touch screens are constructed with a two layer design- a top layer and a bottom layer. When a touch event occurs, top and bottom layers come in contact, thereby, generating an electrical current flow. Voltage measured in this process is sent to the controller that determines the touch point through the change in voltage.

As in 5-wire resistive touch screens, electrodes are placed only on the bottom layer and the top layer is only a grounding electrode causing current to flow through the electrodes on the bottom layer that provides the voltage to be read by the controller. A D Metro, the manufacturer and supplier of innovative touch screen solutions, also offers an innovative two-touch resistive touch screen controller that works with standard 5-wire resistive sensors.

The advanced 5-wire resistive touch screens deliver the two-touch capability demanded by today’s Graphical User Interface (GUI) in applications.

Also, 5-wire resistive touch screens are relatively more durable than their 4-wire and 8-wire resistive touch screens counterparts. Here are a few durable features of 5-wire resistive touch screens that make them a preferable choice for various applications.

  • Resistant to Scratches
    Available in different materials, 5-wire resistive touch screens are designed as resistant to abrasions and scratches. The top layer is constructed with transparent and electrically resistive materials like glass or plastic treated with a transparent conductive coating. But 5-wire resistive touch screens can be operated seamlessly despite the top layer being scratched as it doesn’t contain any electrodes and the conductive coating on this layer can be considerable worn out without affecting its operation.
  • Withstands Daily Wear and Tear
    Touch applications are naturally exposed to wear and tear, especially those in commercial use. With multiple people handling and operating devices, the chances of mishandling and damage are high. In such conditions, 5-wire resistive touch screens are able to sustain abusive usage. They won’t succumb to untimely because of their durable design.
  • Supports Gloved Commands
    When controlling 5-wire resistive touch screen applications, the users don’t necessarily need to work with bare hands. Unlike capacitive touch screens that support controls with a bare finger, 5-wire resistive touch screens can easily be operated wearing gloves of any king.

Bottom Line
There are many options available on the market to make the standard version of the 5-wire resistive touch screen more practical to use, and durable. A D Metro provides an innovative Two-Touch 5-Wire Resistive Touch Screen Controller for applications that require economical resistive touch sensors but also demand two-touch capability.

Integrating 5-wire resistive touch screens with two-touch controllers in Graphical User Interfaces (GUIs) applications allows the following:

  • Fast and smooth touch operations at 100 touch points per second for single touch and 70 touch points per second for 2-touch.
  • HID Plug & Play in Windows.
  • Pinch, zoom, rotate and drag gestures.



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A D Metro has extensive experience in innovative touch screen technology solutions. Our flexible North American based manufacturing of standard,